Great Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

Tool to make you great dev

Great Chrome Extensions for Web Developers

Hi Friend 😎

Google Chrome is the most popular browser on the planet. It is used by more than 60% of the internet users.

As a web developer, i personally use many chrome extension which are super useful in the process of development.

Here I have created a list of chrome extensions, that i use and that can help you in your dev journey.


BuiltWith Technology Profiler

Using this plugin, you can learn about the technology used to build the website you're visiting.

By clicking on the builtwith icon on a website, you can find out what it was built with.

BuiltWith is a tool for profiling websites. BuiltWith returns all of the technologies it can find on a page when it looks it up.


Alexa Traffic Rank

The Alexa Traffic Rank extension is the official Alexa Traffic Rank extension.

Alexa Traffic Rank follows you throughout the web, providing data on the sites you visit without interfering with your browsing.

Use Alexa's Search Analytics to monitor how the site is being found in searches, or use the Wayback Machine to see what it looked like in the past.


Social Blade

View  Social Blade Stats right on YouTube, TwitchTV

Adds a bubble to the right of the video you're watching on YouTube that displays the channel's most important Social Blade statistics.

gives a simple link to the channel on Social Blade, as well as a mechanism to check the Live Sub Count on Social Blade.


SimilarWeb - Traffic Rank & Website Analysis

Any website's traffic and essential metrics, such as engagement rate, traffic ranking, keyword ranking, and traffic source, can be viewed.

You can see how a specific website ranks internationally, in a specific country, and in its category.

The Similarweb extension allows you to access all of's features right from your browser's toolbar.



Eyedropper - get the color of any pixel on the page

Webpage Color Analyzer - get a color palette for any site

Auto copy picked colors to clipboard



Instantly test your webpage on any desktop or mobile browser.

Launch a new test session in any browser using the BrowserStack Quick Launch Extension.

Set up to 12 browsers for quick access and minimize the time spent in switching browsers.


AdBlock — best ad blocker

Block pop-ups, advertisements, and obnoxious banners.

Protect your privacy by blocking third-party trackers.

By preventing dangerous advertisements, frauds, and cryptocurrency miners, you may browse safely.


GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture

Take a complete and reliable screenshot of your current page.

Click the extension icon (or press Alt+Shift+P), then wait for the extension to capture each area of the page. You'll be sent to a new tab with your screenshot, where you may save it as an image or PDF, or just drag it to your desktop.

There's no bloat, no advertisements, and no need for extra permissions; just a simple way to convert an entire web page into an image.


Web Developer

Web Developer is a browser plugin that provides a variety of web developer tools to a browser.

Tools for some of the most common tasks carried out by a web developer on a daily basis.

The Web Developer plugin includes tools for resizing, disabling, and validating CSS and HTML files, as well as resizing and disabling pictures, scripts, and style files.